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Additional Support for Your Loved One With An Advanced Illness

Apr 29, 2020 | Blog Articles

Everyone values a reliable support system. When life gets tough, you should be able to go to someone with confidence and trust that they will have your back.

At WV Caring, we understand that having additional support for your loved one with an advanced illness can make a positive difference. For Barbara and her family, it certainly did.

Find out how our staff at WV Caring provided support for Barbara and her family, as well as how we can assist those with advanced illness to improve their quality of life.


Barbara Wetsch lives in Elkins, West Virginia. Her mom, Mary Sue, was a hospice patient with WV Caring. Mary Sue was born in Elkins on a farm, and once she married her husband, they moved to a dairy farm.

“My mom was very loving, very caring, and a hard worker. She went without so that we could have special things. She was a wonderful cook. My dad doesn’t feel that anyone can cook the way that my mom can cook. She did take a job working for the Randolph County schools as a school cook. She was able to cook for all three of her grandchildren; that was one of the more important things to her,” said Barbara.


On July 3, 2018, Mary Sue called her daughter to say that she wasn’t feeling well. She thought it was just heartburn, but Barbara recommended they go to the hospital. The doctor had told them that Mary Sue had a heart attack.

“They said with her age and with the glioblastoma that they did not feel catheterization was an option,” Barbara continued, “The doctor suggested that we go home with hospice care and we chose WV Caring. My mom needed to be at home; that’s where she wanted to be.”

At WV Caring, we understand the end-of-journey process is complicated. Our compassionate and well-trained staff makes your experience as smooth as possible while respecting your time with your loved one.

“Just knowing that they [WV Caring] were there made a big difference to know that someone was close by and could come to help.”


“WV Caring stepped right in and immediately provided us with everything we needed. When I would have to call at night, they were immediately on the phone with the nurse. Knowing that I could call at any time, it was a secure feeling and some peace of mind that we knew that someone would call or come at any time – day or night,” said Barbara.

We provide around the clock, 24-hour, 365 days a year service for our patients and their families. WV Caring works hard to make sure you feel comfortable, and that we meet the needs of you and your loved one.

Barbara said, “Everyone from WV Caring was accommodating and very kind. My mom always looked forward to the nurses and the aids, anyone coming from WV Caring. They always brightened her day; they would talk to her and laugh and joke.”

We strive for our patients and their families to spend valuable time together. WV Caring offers services that can give you additional support for your loved one, including:

  • Medical care
  • Social workers
  • Pain and symptom management
  • Medical equipment, medications and supplies
  • Trained volunteers
  • Spiritual care
  • Grief and loss counseling

“And then her last days, her last week was tough because she had stopped talking. We were telling her how much we loved her, and she would whisper it first, ‘I love you.’ Then it got to a point where we knew that she was telling us because she would try to mouth it,” said Barbara.

We believe that quality of life matters. Providing comfort and emotional support is a top priority that we offer our patients and their families.

“WV Caring was very upfront with us explaining what to expect. It gave us time to prepare and to say our goodbyes and make sure that we had told her everything that we wanted to tell her. I was able to tell my mom every day that I loved her. And I do miss her very much. But it was very comforting to have WV Caring there and to help us through this process,” said Barbara.


“No one wants to have to know that their loved one is going to pass, but WV Caring was able to help us and make it an easier time for us. I don’t have any regrets. WV Caring allowed me to spend more time with my mom. Part of us is missing, but we always know that she’s always with us in our hearts,” said Barbara.

If you or your loved one is living with a progressive illness, we understand that this process is challenging. Please, call us anytime to request more information about care; we’re easy to access.

Give us a call today if you need additional support for your loved one: 1-866-656-9790

WV Caring

We're invested in our communities and taking care of our neighbors because it’s the right thing to do.