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Support an Individual Who is Grieving

Sep 23, 2020 | Grief & Loss, Hospice Care, Personal

Losing a loved one is difficult and a challenging part of life. Grieving is very personal and different for each person. WV Caring addresses the grief process while the patient and family are under our care, helping to identify and address the immediate concerns of the patient and their family. This support continues through this journey and beyond to support the patient’s family after the loved one’s death for one year.

Our highly professional grief counselors assess where the patient and the family are in the grieving process. Every grief journey is unique, and care is tailored to the individual by helping them identify their needs and assisting them with ways to cope. Sometimes, anticipatory grief begins early in the end-of-life journey, allowing our counselors to help identify their emotions and feelings. Then, they can help with the coping skills and tools they will need going forward.

Bereavement is a normal and healthy step in moving forward with life after a loved one’s death. We provide 12 months of free bereavement support for the family after the death of a loved one. The bereavement support ranges from counseling, support groups, education, grief materials and our Camp Caring, formerly known as Camp Nabe.

Keep reading to learn about some of the ways WV Caring can help you sort through the overwhelming and conflicting feelings of grief and loss or help support someone you know who is working through the grieving process.

Understand the Five Stages of Grief

As someone copes with a recent death, they may experience loss, emotional distress and depression. It is common to feel sad, anxious and grief-stricken as day-to-day life begins to change. Moving forward is not easy; it takes time, and there is no standard period that a person grieves.

Traditionally, there are five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Many people do not go through all the stages of grief. Some people do not go through all of the stages in the traditional order and sometimes, they may feel more than one at a time, and that is okay. WV Caring is not here to “move you along.” We are here to help you get the support you need to move forward. If you would like to learn more about the five stages of grief, check out this blog, where we discussed them in greater detail.

WV Caring Offers Bereavement Support Groups

WV Caring holds support groups for those who have suffered a loss. In our support groups, individuals can learn coping skills and gain insight into the grief process. Our support groups are held in a confidential setting with others who have suffered a loved one’s loss. Group participants will gain knowledge of practical coping skills and gain insight into the grief process.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, support groups are not held in person; however, we offer our Fall Grief Support Groups over the phone. A member of the WV Caring Bereavement Team will be facilitating the groups. If you are interested, please call and take part. There are no commitments, and it’s free.

For more information on the support group, please check our calendar of events


WV Caring offers grief and loss counseling to the communities we serve throughout North Central West Virginia. This counseling provides support in a variety of circumstances to those who have experienced a loss. This service is open to the community and is available by phone or in person at one of our offices.

Grief and Loss for Children

Since 1996, WV Caring has held a grief and loss camp to support children in West Virginia who have lost a loved one. Campers discover that they can live life in a changing world with a new relationship with their loved one who has died.

Camp Caring focuses on children’s unique grief process by utilizing fun activities, trained counselors, art therapy, and large and small group activities. The camp empowers each child to express their grief and successfully cope with the feelings of their loss.

This year due to COVID-19, Camp Caring has been redesigned as Camp In A Box. This has been done to ensure that children will receive the benefits of our bereavement camp in the safety of their own homes. The goal of Camp In A Box is to empower each child with the ability to express their grief and successfully cope with the feelings of loss and trauma.

If you are interested in Camp In A Box, please fill out an application, and someone from Camp Caring will be in contact with you.

Application Due Date: October 30, 2020

For questions, please call Kadie Baker, our Camp Caring Director, at (304) 599-4200 or email at kbaker@wvcaring.org.

Support an Individual Who is Grieving | WV Caring

WV Caring, we understand that losing a loved one is a challenging part of life, and the grieving process is personal and different for each person. We want you to know that we are here for you and your loved ones every step of the way, and we have the expertise and resources you will need to help you through this difficult time. If you have questions about our services, contact us by calling 1-866-656-9790 or contact us online here.

WV Caring

We're invested in our communities and taking care of our neighbors because it’s the right thing to do.