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Tygart Golf Course
3948 Knottsville Road
Grafton, WV 26354.
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Start Time
Shotgun Scramble Start
Pick your team OR play as an individual and you will be assigned to a team.
Registration Includes:
- 18 Holes of Golf
- Cart
- Lunch
- Door Prizes
- Refreshments
- Prize Contests, NEW Games and Chances to win!
WV Caring, a 501 (c) (3) non profit organization, has been dedicated to serving the terminally-ill and their families in a 12 county area in West Virginia since 1983. It is owned by the communities it serves in North Central West Virginia. WV Caring is one of a few not-for-profit, stand alone hospices serving this area.
WV Caring brings compassion, care and support to individuals and their families transitioning through life-limiting illness while providing outreach, education and expertise in grief support to the entire community. WV Caring serves individuals regardless of their ability to pay, and relies on monies raised through donations, memorials, and fundraisers to assure quality care.
For additional information on how you can participate through a sponsorship or signing up as a team, call 1-800-350-1161.
Sponsorship Opportunities
TEAM SPONSORSHIP: $260 per foursome
The following sponsors will be listed on the sponsor flyer:
GRAND TOURNAMENT SPONSOR: $5500 Company banner hung at tournament entrance. Two foursomes. Special recognition at awards ceremony.
CART SPONSOR: $3000 Company logo posted at tournament entrance. One foursome. Special recognition at awards ceremony.
MEAL SPONSOR: $1500 Company logo posted in dining area.
PRIZE SPONSOR: $1000 for Top Three Place Team Company information included with prize.
BEVERAGE SPONSOR: $500 Company logo posted outside the clubhouse.
HOLE-IN-ONE SPONSOR: $300 Company sign at the designated hole, recognition at awards.
SNACK SPONSOR: $300 Company logo posted in snack area.
HOLE SPONSOR: $100 Company sign posted at sponsored hole.
CLOSEST TO THE PIN (2): Prize Company information included with prize.
LONGEST DRIVE: Prize Company information included with prize.
LONGEST PUTT: Prize Company information included with prize.
MEMORIAL SPONSOR: $50 per name Dedication sign posted at hole.
DOOR PRIZE SPONSOR: Company information included with prize.
In 1983, a group of volunteers in Preston County understood that people living with life limiting illnesses needed care. Their tireless work led to hiring WV Caring’s first paid employee and Founding President, Ms. Malene Smith Davis. And, under her leadership she led the expansion of care into eleven more counties for WV Caring, formerly Hospice Care Corporation, to become one of the oldest and largest non-profit hospices in West Virginia. Her trail-blazing work coincided with America’s leading policymakers more than 35 years ago ensuring that West Virginians received hospice care through the Medicare Hospice Benefit.
Today, as WV Caring’s Founding President, and Chief Visionary Officer Malene is known nationally for her work in advocating for excellent end-of-life care.
Whether you are living with a progressive illness, or you are caring for someone who is, we at WV Caring understand just how challenging this can be. You can call us anytime to request more information about care, and we’re easy to access.
Notice of NonDiscrimination
West Virginia Caring complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate, exclude, or treat people differently on the basis of social status, political belief, race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity) or disability (including mental illness and substance use disorders) with regard to admission, access to treatment, or employment.
West Virginia Caring provides free aids and services to help people with disabilities communicate effectively, such as interpretation services, written information in other formats, and free language services to people whose primary language is not English. If you need these services, please contact WV Caring.