If seeing your family, ordering your affairs, and having end-of-life conversations concerning your last wishes is important to you––you’re not alone. Ninety percent of Americans desire some form of contact with their family before passing away, but only thirty percent...
You’ve Earned It
You’ve been working hard your whole life, and you deserve something that proves it. (Hospice) Since entering the workforce you’ve been paying into the Medicare Trust Fund, the national health insurance program for people 65 years and older. In fact, 1.45% of your...
How to Prepare for the Final Stages in Your Loved One’s Life
If a family member or friend is battling a terminal illness, the final stages in their life can be a stressful, challenging and emotional time for you and them. You may find that treatment stops working, the symptoms of the disease increase, and their quality of life...
Do Chaplains Enhance End-of-Life Care?
When a patient faces a medical crisis or end-of-life, their disease's physical aspects are often the focus. Sometimes, this can cause their related emotional and spiritual pain to be overlooked. However, even though research is in its early stages, there is increasing...