WV Caring Advanced Illness Care

Call 1-866-656-9790 today!

Our support is a toll-free phone call away. Our Access Center will start the ball rolling to get you the help you need.

Call 1-866-656-9790 today for support!

Help us continue to fulfill our mission

With your support Hospice Care Corporation, a 501 (c) (3), non profit organization, has stayed true to its mission of serving the terminally ill and their families in North Central West Virginia since 1983.  Most likely, we have cared for someone you know or love over...

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Why Donate To Hospice Care?

Because Your Donation Gives One More Day   One more day to laugh, talk, love, sing, share, pray... live. Hospice Care is an active member of the community and has served thousands of patients over the years. Being a non-profit organization 501(c)(3), we rely on...

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